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Dmat Services Limited, Liverpool, Merseyside & Cheshire

​Duluth Model and Assessment Training






Together we can end

Domestic Abuse 

& Sexual Assault

Domestic Abuse Services - Liverpool, Merseyside & Cheshire

THE DULUTH METHOD aims to STOP domestic Violence

The Duluth Model


What is the Duluth Model ?

In the early 1980s in Northern Minnesota, it was a small community that have been the innovators of the model and found ways of holding abusive partners to account and to keep the victims safe. Ever since then,  The Duluth Model has been an ever evolving way of thinking about how communities can come together and to help STOP domestic Abuse.

The Duluth  Model is successful because it is grounded in the experience of victims, helps offenders and society change, and pulls the whole community together to respond. When the Duluth Model first began, women told us that they wanted us to work with their partners that helping their partners change is what would most keep them safe. So, we began nonviolence courses to help abusive men look more closely at their actions, intentions and beliefs and the effect their actions had on their partners and others. Because it helps men get to the core of their actions and beliefs, our men’s violence programme is the most replicated programme for men who abuse in the world.

What is
Domestic Abuse

Physical Abuse:

Kicking, Slapping, Hitting, Punching, Pushing, Pulling, Choking & property Damage. 


Sexual Abuse:

Forcing and Coercing sexual acts, Rape and having sex when not wanting too.


Emotional Abuse:

Jealousy, Anger, Intimidation, Controlling, Neglect, Humiliation, Threats, Isolation, & Verbal Abuse

Social Abuse:

Being stopped from seeing friends or Family, not allowed to leave the home. Being Stalked.

Economic Abuse:

Controlling access to money and other resources, being forced to live without money.

See the Signs 
Domestic Abuse Awareness Programme

Our "See the Signs" programme is a Domestic Abuse awareness programme for victims/survivors. The course covers the following:-

  • Power and Control

  • Minimising, Denying, Blaming

  • Coercion

  • Emotional Abuse

  • Gaslighting

  • Economic Abuse

  • Intimidation

  • Using Children


Please click below for futher information

Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programme

DMAT deliver the DAPP programme based on the Duluth Model.

The Duluth Model is successful because it is grounded in the experience of victims, helps offenders and society change, and pulls the whole community together to respond.

DMAT deliver an early intervention domestic abuse awareness programme "CHOICES"

Please click below for further information.


Training for

DMAT Services Limited offer a training course delivering our "See the Signs" domestic abuse awareness programme to professionals.

Please click below for costs and further information.



DMAT Services Limited

St. Andrews Business Centre

91 St. Mary's Road

Liverpool L19 2NL

Tel:0151 427 8348

DMAT Services Limited

Address  - St. Andrews Business Centre - 91 St. Mary's Road - Liverpool L19 2NL

Phone number 0151 427 8348


Registered in England - Company No: 11694683

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